Meeting challenging moments with connection

Woman standing in front of bricks

Dr. Rachel Eshel

Welcome to my practice. I am a child & adolescent psychologist by training; I also specialize in working with adults, particularly those who are in the process of building their families or have young children. As part of my practice, I work with Atlantic Reproductive Medicine, a fertility clinic in Raleigh, North Carolina, where I provide care for patients undergoing fertility treatments.

My interpersonal style is open and warm. You can expect me to be curious, empathic, and committed to building a connection with you. I will gently push you, when needed, to look at your own perceptions and actions and to actively work toward change. I am sensitive to issues related to trauma, disability, culture, family values, immigration, and non-traditional forms of family building, and welcome all to my practice.


  • Child, Adolescent & Adult Therapy

  • Perinatal & Reproductive Mental Health

  • Evaluations & Consultations for Third Party Reproduction

  • Clinical Supervision

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

— Viktor E. Frankl

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